ALFA TANGO  Caribbean Tour 2024

DX-Pedition start in January 2024
by Mike 13AT16 and Joe 13AT15

Follow us during our tour.
Get information about our stays, equipment and what else we do...  
You can find all the information you need here on the following pages. 
We have attached all QSL information and some rules of conduct here (below).
Enjoy - 73!

QSL Information

Created with Sketch.

Request by Paypal:

Send your request with at least 2.-€ (to family/friends) to:
Paypal: [email protected] 

Request by Paper Card:

.:Please do not send IRC - unfortunately we can no longer accept (use) them:.
Send your request with at least 2.-€ or 2.- USD to
Mr. Mike
P.O. Box 1114
35620 Huettenberg


>>One request is enough for both QSLs (if you are in the log ;-) )<<

Rules of conduct

Created with Sketch.

Our Rules (take it or leave it)

Normally it shouldn't be necessary, most of you stick to it and you are good operators. But unfortunately it is getting worse and worse lately. Therefore, we would like to leave a few sentences here.

1# "Multicaller" The community is not very large. Therefore, we know some operators - who also like to use different callsigns. Those who call with different callsigns will be removed from the log.

2# "Multiple calling" If you are in the log, you do not have to call again. If you call multiple times, you will be removed from the log.

3# "Consideration" Please do not tell us your life story. There may be other stations in the background that would also like to be in the log. So please keep it short.

4# "Listening" Please use your ears and don't call in wildly should we call for a particular station.

This only costs time - your time - and therefore possibly also your entry.  

Please stick to it - Thank you very much
We hope to hear and to log you - GL & 73!!